I Got a New Library Card

Earlier this week, I finally got my Charleston County library card. Having it helps me feel a little more settled in here in our new community. It was also nice just to be back in a library, though I miss working behind the desk.

While I wait to hear about the job applications I submitted, I’ve decided to work on building more marketable skills. I mentioned Codecademy in an earlier post, and it really is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn to code. I’ve spend the last few days reviewing HTML and CSS. Today I’m going to tackle jQuery. Also, thanks to my new library card, I’ve got access to Mango Languages, so I’m going to try to brush up on my Spanish.

In addition to all that, I’m also pretty excited about reading the books I checked out.

Yes, my husband does own several seasons of MacGyver.

28-day check-outs are amazing!

One comment

  1. Congrats on your first CCPL card. Yep, 28 day checkouts are nice and up to two renewals. I remember reading Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis some time ago… Enjoy the one in the stack.

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